
Nola ster Nola was born on a trip to New Orleans. With a Dutch delegation of education professionals she visited the international honours conference in November 2013.
Read the digital story here on our webpage: the adventures of Nola.

In her next adventure Nola goes Brussels, on a fieldtrip with  students in the honours programme Europe in the World.

It might seem that Nola is just out having fun, but behind the screens it’s hard work. Four years of creating and designing honours at the HU resulted in many great ideas, unexpected insights, good practices and valuable failures. It proved to be rather a challenge to pin it down in a concept, very honours in its own respect. Join Nola in Honours to get a better sense of this journey.

In November 2014 Nola returned to the US for the NCHC honours conference in Denver. In the good company of 15 HU honours professionals she experienced how everybody is connected through the same inspiration and drive:  The Thrill of the Climb

Whenever Nola is on a new adventure you can follow her on our Facebook page.

Nola is a storytelling project by Carien J. Touwen. The character of Nola is based on Jessie from Toy Story (Pixar).